Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Glimpses of Summer

As I sit under the shade of the maple tree in our front yard, I have Kai in my lap, playing with one of his favorite toys...an empty water bottle, and Felicity jabbering away in her kiddie pool having the time of her life.

Today equals the best Mommy day :)  My kids are happy (for now) and I am able to enjoy the beautiful weather with the sounds of my children around me.  Perfect.  I am so blessed to be able to be at home with my two kiddo's and see their every first and their every tantrum.  :)

Since I'm having such a great Mommy day...let me brag a little bit about my flakelets :)


Oh Felicity...what an independent, stubborn, beautiful, passionate,  just like her mommy little girl!

She always knows exactly what she wants and exactly how she wants it.  If not done exactly the way she wants...there is a melt down.  A little bit of a control freak in her, I fear she gets that from me.  She looks just like her daddy and has his beautiful blue eyes.

She has had three sessions with a speech therapist and her speech is improving...although her stubbornness gets in the way sometimes.

If you ask her if she is a boy or a girl, her reply, "I'm the sister!"  This is pretty much her rely to any question you ask her regarding herself.  She is so proud to be a sister!
Her new favorite thing to say is "I think so" whenever she wants her way and she has started calling us "guys" at the end of sentences.

Her favorites right now are Wonder Pets, Go Diego Go, Tangled, Ariel (everything Ariel!), playing in the pool, playing with her friend Gabe, loving on her brother, and eating anything not healthy for her!

I can't believe that she will three in less than two months!  Where has my little baby gone?! Bryan and I will look at her from time to time and just wonder where the time has gone.  She's not a baby any more, but a little girl!


The perfect little baby.  He is laid back, happy, content, and just like his daddy :)
He is all boy though, it amazes me how different he is from Felicity at this age.  If he gets his hands on a toy or anything at all he beats it into the floor or he will beat his hand down against the table with this angry expression across his face..all boy!  And showing it already!

He looks like my Grandfather on my mom's side, at times exactly so.  He's personality is just like Bryan's...laid back and happy with life.

Since he was two days old he has had clogged tear ducts.  His right eye has completely healed and looks great, but that darn left duct is still giving him trouble and seems to still be clogged.  If it has not healed by his doctor's appointment in July then we will have to see a specialist which could result in surgery.  Please be praying that it heals itself and that we will not have to see the specialist at all.  This mommy is very worried....

He is now eating solids twice a day and has loved everything that we have given him except for peas :)  His favorites seem to be squash, carrots, and pears.  He is also drinking water from a sippy cup and loves tastes of ice cream :)

Just this past week he started crawling...scooting his little body across the floor.  It's so adorable!  He can sit on his own, but not quite stable enough to leave unattended.  He's growing so fast!  On his way to being 8 months old!

His favorite toy as I mention above is an empty water bottle, but he loves anything he can chew on (teething, but no teeth yet!), he loves to watch Mickey Mouse, and watching his sister run around the room always brings a smile to his face!

It is such a joy to have a little girl and now a little boy in our lives!  What a blessing God has sent us :)

That's all for now....time for little man's nap and a bath for Felicity!
Until we meet again...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little Flakes of our Lives :)

I have always been a writer at heart and tried my hand at it several times, even in blog form, yet never has it stuck for very long.  Yet, here I am again, trying it.

Bare with me as this blog will probably jump all over the place in its posts and have no logical function.

Let me start off with a little history of ME...

-I am twenty-four years old, married to the love of my life (going on 5 years!), have two beautiful children (Felicity and Kai), am a stay at home mom, and an avid facebook stalker ;)
My days are filled with kissing boo boos, changing diapers, fixing snacks, giving baths, teaching manors, and anything else that is thrown my way.  I love being home with my little ones and wouldn't trade it for any job out there.

I must conclude my first post, so that I can go spend some very precious (and not common) alone time with Bryan :)

Until we meet again...