Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little Flakes of our Lives :)

I have always been a writer at heart and tried my hand at it several times, even in blog form, yet never has it stuck for very long.  Yet, here I am again, trying it.

Bare with me as this blog will probably jump all over the place in its posts and have no logical function.

Let me start off with a little history of ME...

-I am twenty-four years old, married to the love of my life (going on 5 years!), have two beautiful children (Felicity and Kai), am a stay at home mom, and an avid facebook stalker ;)
My days are filled with kissing boo boos, changing diapers, fixing snacks, giving baths, teaching manors, and anything else that is thrown my way.  I love being home with my little ones and wouldn't trade it for any job out there.

I must conclude my first post, so that I can go spend some very precious (and not common) alone time with Bryan :)

Until we meet again...

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